
Introduction and Product Standard Parameters of DK Block Card XDK Block Card

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Introduction and Product Standard Parameters of DK Block Card XDK Block Card

date:[2013-06-26]     pk_hits:

DK blocking card, XDK anti loosening blocking card (with a small tongue in the middle and bottom flipping); The material is made of high-quality 65Mn spring steel, and the surface treatment methods include blackening, phosphating, electroplating, and nickel plating. This component is not a standard component and there is no standard to follow in China. It was originally developed by Siemens and later widely adopted by everyone. Our company's series of products are based on specifications Φ 4- Φ 16. Long term stock available. Block cards, which can be classified as mechanical fasteners, are devices that prevent axial movement of components on shafts or pins. The rear of the stopper is fastened with a locking plate, shaped like an open washer; The front is an auxiliary piece, shaped like an inverted open washer. When in use, the locking plate is clamped into the end groove of the shaft or pin, and the auxiliary plate is sleeved on the outer circle of the shaft or pin, which can play the role of an elastic retaining ring and an open retaining ring. This type of gear block has the advantages of reliable limit, convenient loading and unloading, and high resistance to axial force, making it suitable for devices with strong vibration. Made of 65 manganese steel and subjected to advanced quenching technology, it is suitable for various shaft diameters and is widely used in the switch industry. Can be customized according to user requirements.

The standard parameters of our regular DK gear card are as follows:

Example of XDK anti loosening block parameters (D10):

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