
The Function of Wave Washers

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The Function of Wave Washers

date:[2015-05-10]     pk_hits:

Waveform washers are thin circular elastic metal components composed of many peaks and valleys. They are made of high-quality spring steel and undergo special heat treatment. The hardness is then controlled according to requirements. The waveform washer is mainly installed in the holes corresponding to its specifications, with a very small installation space and the function of reducing noise and vibration. Mainly used to protect the surface of the connected part from being scratched by the nut, sharing the pressure of the nut on the connected part.


Wave-shaped washers can expand the contact surface, reduce the stress concentration of the fastening force on the fastener, prevent damage to the fastener, and effectively prevent nut loosening. The main functions of waveform washers are as follows, and reasonable use can yield significant benefits.

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