
Basic Overview of Waveform Washers

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Basic Overview of Waveform Washers

date:[2022-08-30]     pk_hits:

Waveform washer, full name: Waveform spring washer. Leichi waveform springs mainly include single-layer motor steel waveform springs and multi-layer waveform springs, among which multi-layer waveform springs are also known as multi-layer waveform washers. They are a multi layer metal thin circular ring with multiple peak valley elastic metal components for each layer of circular ring. They are commonly used in equipment such as spacecraft, bearings, flow valves, pressure valves, clutches, vibration isolators, axial piston pumps, actuators, etc.

The waveform washer is divided into WG type WL type WN type:

1. The WG type waveform washer is an open elastic washer that can usually be installed in a small space, such as applying pre-stress to the bearing to reduce the noise of bearing operation and improve the accuracy and smoothness of bearing operation. In addition, there are also a large number of application materials in electronics and appliances, such as carbon steel, stainless steel, copper alloy, etc

2. The WL type waveform washer is a lap type elastic washer that can usually be installed in a small space, such as applying pre-stress to the bearing to reduce the noise of bearing operation and improve the accuracy and smoothness of bearing operation. In addition, it has a large number of applications in electronics and appliances. Materials include carbon steel, stainless steel, copper alloy, etc

3. The WN type waveform washer is a multi-layer overlapping elastic washer. Compared with the WL type, this series is composed of multiple layers of materials, so the K-value curve under the same compression stroke is smoother than the WL type. It is suitable for situations where the elastic force is large and the entire working stroke requires a more uniform release of the elastic force The materials used include carbon steel, stainless steel, copper alloy, etc.

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