
Stop ring GB305

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Stop ring GB305

Stop ring GB305
  • Stable quality: Implement full process quality monitoring, meticulous and comprehensive testing!
  • Reasonable price: Effective internal cost control, reduced expenses, and benefits customers!
  • Fast delivery: Advanced production line, sufficient stock, and shortened delivery time!
  • Hotline:0577-66003961

product details

GB305 Stop Ring

Stop ring

National Standard GB305


50C, stainless steel

GB896/DIN6799 open retaining ring, GB894/DIN471 shaft retaining ring, GB893/DIN472 hole retaining ring, JB-ZQ4344 (ZQ4343) heavy retaining ring, GB895/DIN7993 steel wire retaining ring, GB305/DIN5417 stop ring

Retaining ring is classified according to its function. Flat retaining ring: A separable washer that is basically flat, and its inner or outer part is used as the outer ring or inner ring edge of a radial cylindrical roller bearing. Diagonal retaining ring: A separable ring with an L-shaped cross-section, whose outer part acts as the inner retaining edge of a radial roller ball bearing. Middle retaining ring: A separable ring in two or more rows of roller bearings, used to separate and guide each row of rollers. A rib is a narrow shoulder parallel to the rolling direction and protruding from the surface of the raceway, used to support and guide the rolling element and keep it inside the bearing. Detailed classification of retaining rings: cone pin locking retaining ring, screw locking retaining ring, screw locking retaining ring with locking ring, steel wire retaining ring, hole using elastic retaining ring - A type, hole using elastic retaining ring - B type, shaft using elastic retaining ring - A type, shaft using elastic retaining ring - B type, screw fastening shaft end retaining ring, bolt fastening shaft end retaining ring, hole using steel wire retaining ring, shaft using steel wire retaining ring, etc. Current national standards related to retaining rings: 1 GB/T886-1986 Shoulder retaining ring 2 GB/T883-1986 Cone pin locking retaining ring 3 GB/T884-1986 Screw locking retaining ring 4 GB/T885-1986 Screw locking retaining ring 6 GB/T891-1986 Screw fastening shaft end retaining ring 7 GB/T892-1986 Bolt fastening shaft end retaining ring 8 GB/T893.1-1986 Elastic retaining ring for holes A type 9 GB/T893.2-1986 Elastic retaining ring for holes B type 10 GB/T894.1-1986 Elastic retaining ring for shafts A type 11 GB/T894.2-1986 Elastic retaining ring for shafts Sex retaining ring B-type

12 GB/T895.1-1986 Steel Wire Retaining Rings for Holes

13 GB896 open retaining ring

Our Advantages:

1. Our company has a modern production workshop, which completes everything from "cutting, forming, heat treatment, blackening, and packaging" within the company, ensuring the reliability and stability of product quality.

2. Our company has complete testing equipment, and material testing, metallographic analysis, hardness testing, elasticity testing, and toughness testing are all completed within the company.

3. All products comply with ROHS standards (materials or product SGS reports can be provided), and some products have quality inspection reports from the National Standard Parts Inspection Center.

4. With over 20 years of production experience, we have perfect process control for various types of retaining rings.

5. All products are matched with various electromechanical, electrical, automotive, industrial and mining enterprises, and have received high praise from customers over the years.

6. Mass production reduces costs while ensuring high quality, and has a significant competitive advantage in price.

Rui'an Leichi Automotive Parts Co., Ltd

All product images and promotional images on this website belong to us and are not allowed to be used by any individual or organization. Misappropriation is subject to investigation.

Rui'an Leichi Automotive Parts Co., Ltd

Tel:0577-66003961Fax:0577-66003962Phone:13968888163 E-mail:8892@163.comAdd:zhejiang ruian pond town Lin industrial zone


National Service Hotline


We warmly welcome your consultation and will provide you with satisfactory solutions for automotive parts

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